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Генрих VIII. Король Англии

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Код работы: 3194
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Тип: Реферат
Вуз:школа № 108, г. Барнаул - посмотреть другие работы и дисциплины по этому вузу
Цена: 390 руб.
Просмотров: 4072
Выложена: 23 июня 2012г.
Содержание: 1. Early years 3
2. Foreign policy 6
3. Six wives of Henry VIII and cutting back papal power 7
4. Thomas Wolsey and the separation of the Church of England 10
5. The latter stages of Henrys reign 12
6. Conclusion 13
Literature 4

Отрывок: Early years
Henry VIII was born at the Palace of Placentia at Greenwich on 28 June 1491, Henry VIII was the third child of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. His brother was called Arthur, Prince of Wales (1486 – 1502). Arthur was the first born son and therefore the Prince of Wales and heir to the English crown. Henry became heir to the throne on the death of Prince Arthur, in 1502 and succeeded in 1509.
Henry VIII was spoilt by his doting grandmother and mother together with the attendants in his retinue. His grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, supervised his early education. Henry VIII was considered a handsome and precocious toddler who was noted for his energy and his temper.
Prince Henry as the second son was groomed to take the secular life, probably taking the role of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The focus of his education was theology. This knowledge of the subject and the bible was to be of great help to him in his later life.
Henry VIII received an education befitting a prince of the royal blood. Henry VIII was taught a range of different lessons including languages, grammar, theology, history, rhetoric, logic, philosophy, arithmetic, logic, literature, geometry, and music. In addition to all of these subjects the education of the young Henry VIII also included astronomy, navigation and cartographer and non-academic subjects such as riding, jousting, tennis, archery, hunting and dancing.

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