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Код работы: 30573
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Тип: Контрольная
Вуз:РАНХиГС - посмотреть другие работы и дисциплины по этому вузу
Цена: 390 руб.
Просмотров: 93
Выложена: 02 августа 2018г.
Содержание: Содержание

Контрольная работа 3
Список использованных источников 11

Отрывок: Контрольная работа
7163 7164

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст с английского языка на русский:
Situated on the bank of the Ob River, Barnaul a city blending the old and new. Its location, history, culture entertainment, educational, and athletic facilities make it unique to the country. In 1727 the Russian manufacturer Akinfij Demidov selected a picturesque wooded site in the mouth of the Barnaul river to build a copper smelting works. The city was founded 1730 as a centre of mining industry and grew so rapidly that it soon became an important industrial and trading centre.
Today Barnaul is a large modern city with the population of more than 750.000 people. Its main industries are machine – building, engineering, chemistry and many others. Barnaul is home to many educational institutions, colleges and secondary schools. The oldest higher schools are Technical and Pedagogical, the youngest are the Altai State University and the institute of arts. The higher educational institutions train teachers and doctors, engineers and economists, lawyers and social workers and other specialists for industry, business and agriculture. The city is rich in cultural and leisure – time activities. Every night many theatres and concert halls open their doors to lovers of drama, musical comedy, classic and pop music and dance.
The monuments of the city are its history alive. The grey granite pillar in the centre of Demidov Square was erected for the centenary of mining industry in the Altai. The eternal fire is in memory of those who perished in the October revolution and Civil War. The impressive memorial on Victory Square is dedicated to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. War veterans come here on V – Day and newlyweds lay flowers at the foot of the monument on their wedding day.
The historic downtown area with its wooden houses decorated with quaint wood carving, the blue-domed Pocrov Cathedral, the small cozy shops and cafes attract lots of tourists. The main street of the city, the river port, the City Hall, the Drama theatre are also worth seeing. The picturesque suburbs of the city, with a green belt of pine forest, the tiny weekend cottages and the majestic Ob river offer wonderful facilities for sports and leisure-time activities. [...]

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